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Watch an alien burst out of your chest in the Alien: Covenant VR Experience

Watch an alien burst out of your chest in the Alien: Covenant VR Experience
A VR experience is set to immerse you in the Alien world
A VR experience is set to immerse you in the Alien world
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A VR experience is set to immerse you in the Alien world
A VR experience is set to immerse you in the Alien world

The next twelve months will see an explosion of VR content designed to tie into cinematic properties as Hollywood studios work to gain a foothold in the new medium of virtual reality. The latest project to be announced is a VR experience planned to tie in with the upcoming entry in the Alien franchise.

The Fox Innovation Lab and director Ridley Scott are working together on a VR experience they describe as "a dread-inducing journey into the depths of the Alien universe." Sources also report the experience will allow participants a first-hand experience of having an alien burst out of their chest.

This isn't the first time Scott has worked with the Fox Innovation Lab on a VR project, last year they delivered us The Martian VR Experience, a project we reviewed and were rather unimpressed with. Fox is at the forefront of trying to create commercially orientated VR additions to their cinematic projects, but The Martian VR Experience was a frustratingly overpriced, irritatingly short experiment that was wholly unsatisfying.

Unlike the previously announced Blade Runner VR experience coming this October, which will be exclusively tied to the Oculus Rift, the Alien VR experience is set to be available across three major VR platforms – HTC Vive, Playstation VR and Oculus Rift. The cost and specific release date is yet to be announced but the film is due to hit cinemas in May.

To get an impression of the terrifying potential in this VR experience check out the trailer for Alien: Covenant below:

Alien: Covenant | Teaser Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Via: Variety

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1 comment
I sure hope the new Alien movie is not as truly awful as the last two. The first two were great.